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●  UN Global Compact
                 The UN Global Compact is an initiative aimed at enterprises that have committed to putting their
                 activities and strategy in line with ten generally accepted principles in the field of human rights,
                 employment  relationships,  the  environment  and  combatting  corruption  (Asociace  společenské

                 odpovědnosti, 2013). This will make it possible to take steps leading to the promotion of social
                 goals and implementing Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) (Národní portál, 2021).
                 This  Global  Compact  establishes  the  submission  of  yearly  development  reports,  i.e.
                 “Communication on Progress”. Using this method, an organization creates efforts in the area of
                 mapping how well it is fulfilling the principles of sustainable activities. Thus, it provides information

                 concerning even the negative impacts of an enterprise’s performance. If the progress report is not
                 published for a period longer than one year, the organization is automatically ejected from the UN
                 Global Compact (Asociace společenské odpovědnosti, 2013).

                    ●  ISO 26000 Norm
                 The ISO 26000 Norm represents the standard for the social responsibility of companies, the goal
                 of  which  is  to  strengthen  organizations’  responsibility  for  their  entrepreneurial  activity  and  thus
                 increase their participation in sustainable development. If an organization accepts the elements of

                 this norm, it thus agrees to maintain the principles of the social responsibility of organizations. The
                 norm includes guidelines on improving the organization’s impact within the three pillars of the triple
                 bottom line, i.e. the social, economic and environmental pillar (Managementmania, n.d.).
                 It is important to note that this norm is not designated for certification. Nonetheless, it is closely

                 linked to the certification norm SA 8000 (Managementmania, n.d.).
                    ●  EMAS

                 The EMAS tool or “Eco-Management and Audit Scheme” is designated for organizations located
                 within the European Union. In the EU, this tool has been used since 1995, and began to be used
                 in the Czech Republic in 1998 (European Commission, n.d.).

                 The goal of the system of environmental management and auditing is for an organization to have
                 an active approach to monitoring and effective management in the area of environmental protection
                 (European Commission, n.d; Ministry of the Environment, 2020).

                 Nonetheless, it is necessary to fulfill several criteria that EMAS requires, which are:
                    ●  introductory assessment of the state of the environment,

                    ●  publication and verification of the proclamation on the state of the environment,

                    ●  active participation of employees in the process of improving an enterprise’s impacts on
                        the environment (EnviWeb, 2005).

                 At the same time, however, it imposes the responsibility to uphold a specific methodology of audits
                 and their frequency (EnviWeb, 2005).

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