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●  Global Reporting Initiative
                 The Global Reporting Initiative or “GRI” is a methodology that is created via a set of indicators that
                 can be implemented in an organization; subsequently, it is possible to compare the measurements
                 and evaluations of organizations’ social responsibility. This independent international organization

                 helps  businesses,  governments  and  other  organizations  understand  and  communicate  their
                 impacts  on  issues  linked  to  economic,  social  and  environmental  results.  This  organization  has
                 promoted sustainability reporting since 1997, and is still the most widely used standard for the
                 creation of non-financial reporting (KPMG, 2017).

                 Information on the sustainable activities of an organization are recorded in “Sustainable Reporting
                 Guidelines”.  Thanks  to  unification,  these  guidelines  today  belong  to  the  most  extensive  and
                 objective initiative for providing a report on the sustainability of an organization. Reports created
                 within the Global Reporting Initiative evaluate the behavior of an organization in terms of laws,
                 norms, regulations, directives, standards of behavior and voluntary sustainable activities. At the
                 same time, they give consideration to the development of these indicators in time (Global Reporting

                 Initiative, 2021).
                    ●  AccountAbility (AA 1000)

                 AccountAbility  is  a  series  of  standards  by  which  an  organization  attempts  to  improve  its
                 performance. Heightening an organization’s performance is achieved via a sustainability strategy
                 and by taking into consideration the environmental and social impacts of said organization.

                 The goal of the AccountAbility non-profit organization is to support fair business (Národní portál,
                    ●  OECD directive for multinational enterprises

                 The OECD’s directive titled “Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises” is among the oldest, most
                 well-known  and  also  most  complex  tools  for  the  area  of  socially-responsible  entrepreneurship,
                 which was created in 1976. It was a part of the OECD declaration on international investments and
                 multinational enterprises. A total of 46 countries agreed to adhere to these Guidelines. However,

                 the  recommendations  that  are  anchored  in  them  are  voluntary  for  enterprises  and  cannot  be
                 enforced (Ministry of Industry and Trade, 2016).
                 The goal of the OECD’s Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises is to lead multinational enterprises
                 towards avoiding and limiting the negative impacts of their activity on society. Areas that these
                 Guidelines  regulate  include  access  to  information,  human  rights,  employment  and  labor

                 relationships,  environment,  combatting  bribery,  consumer  interests,  science  and  technology,
                 economic competition and taxes (Ministry of Industry and Trade, 2016).
                 Nonetheless,  it  should  be  added  that  these  Guidelines  are  in  agreement  with  the  UN  Global

                 Compact and the ISO 26000 Norm (Ministry of Industry and Trade, 2016).

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