Page 12 - EN_final
P. 12

Quiz questions:

                    1. What areas does the abbreviation ESG represent?

                        A.     environmental, social, governance

                        B.     economic, social, governance

                        C.     environmental, social, goods

                        D.     economic, social, goods

                    2. When was the triple bottom line concept first discussed?

                        A.     1960s

                        B.     1970s

                        C.     1980s

                        D.     1990s

                    3. What does the Stockholm Conference represent?
                        A.     The United Nations Conference on the Human Environment in 1972

                        B.     The United Nations Conference on Environment and Development in 1992

                        C.     The Millennium Summit in New York

                        D.     The United Nations in 2015

                    4. Tools (standards, norms, initiatives) for managing sustainable activities in an
                        organization and in sustainable development are:?
                        A.     GRI

                        B.     UN Global Compact

                        C.     EMAS

                        D.     All of the above

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