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SSG/R activities in urban environments contribute to universal access to safe and

                             inclusive public spaces, particularly for vulnerable members of society.

                      ●  Related issues with corporate practice (Examples of good practice)
                         •   Sustainability  as  a  business  model  direction.  Principles  and  cooperation  with
                             business partners based on ethical principles, fight against corruption in business.

                         •   Healthy  and  safe  working  conditions.  Take  care  of  healthy  and  safe  working

                             conditions is important because it´s  protecting the workers, the company  reduce
                             absences, ensuring that the workplace is more efficient and productive.

                         •   Work life balance. Some of the common reasons that lead to a poor work-life balance
                             include: increased responsibilities at work.

                         •   Inclusive society. An inclusive society is a society that over-rides differences of race,
                             gender,  class,  generation,  and  geography,  and  ensures  inclusion,  equality  of
                             opportunity as well as capability of all members of the society to determine an agreed
                             set of social institutions.

                         •   Examples  of  good  practice:


                  SDG 17 – Partnerships for the Goals

                  As part of the Agenda 2030, the sustainable development goal 17 aims to strengthen the means

                  of implementation and to revitalize the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development. With this
                  mission, SDG 17 serves as enabler and support for SDGs 1 to 16, as all environmental, societal,
                  and economic goals can only be achieved if powerful means for their implementation are put into

                      ●  SDG 17 as enabler for sustainable development
                  Enabling  sustainable  development  comprises  mobilizing  financial  resources  from  multiple
                  sources,  as  well  as  managing  developing  countries‘  debt.  Financial  resources  for  developing
                  countries  need  to  be  mobilized  both  domestically  and  abroad.  From  a  domestic  perspective,

                  developing countries are supposed to strengthen their capacity for revenue collection. Developed
                  countries,  on  the  other  hand,  have  to  fulfill  their  official  development  assistance  (ODA)
                  commitments. In addition, an open, multi-lateral trading system based on the rules of the WTO is
                  supposed to empower developing countries to increasingly participate in world trade.

                  Technology as another enabling factor for the SGDs is twofold. Transfering technologies, sharing
                  access to knowledge, science and innovation and building technological capacities in developing
                  countries aims to facilitate the implementation of SDGs 1 to 16. Besides that, a steadily increasing
                  use  of  technology,  especially  of  information  and  communications  technology,  in  developing
                  countries is by itself regarded as an indicator of progress on sustainable development.

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