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●  Key business themes
                         •   Sustainable sourcing

                         •   Resource efficiency of products and services

                         •   Materials recycling

                         •   Procurement practices

                         •   Product and service information and labeling

                  SDG 16 – Peace, Justice and Strong institutions

                  This chapter focuses on introduction of the sustainable development goal 16, which belongs to
                  social  pillar  of  sustainable  development  and  has  the  importance to  enhance  sustainable
                  development  by  ensuring  the justice  for  all  and  build  effective,  accountable  institutions  at  all

                  levels. Among the 17 sustainable development goals, the SDG16 is recognized as the bedrock
                  upon which the successes of the remaining goals lie, since conflicts, insecurity, weak institutions,
                  and restricted admission to justice threaten sustainable development. This is because for any
                  country or organization to reach higher heights, the fundamental principles of maintaining peace,
                  attaining justice for all and ensuring institutional accountability must be realized.  Empathy and a

                  solid ethical compass are critical to every democratic society. However, persecution, inequity, and
                  abuse still run flush and are tearing the civilization.
                      ●  Facts about peace, justice, and strong institutions

                         •   The judiciary and the police are among the institutions most affected by corruption
                             and corruption, bribery, theft, and tax evasion cost developing countries about $ 1.26
                             trillion annually; this amount could be used to keep those living on less than $ 1.25 a
                             day from the $ 1.25 threshold for at least six years.

                         •   There are approximately 28.5 million school-age children in conflict-affected areas
                             who do not attend primary school.

                         •   The number of people fleeing war, persecution, and conflict exceeded 70 million in

                             2018, the highest level recorded by the UN refugee agency (UNHCR) in almost 70

                         •   Violence  against  children  is  another  significant  part  of  the  task  of  SDG  16.  The
                             number of people fleeing war, persecution, and conflict in 2018 exceeded 70 million,
                             the highest number recorded by the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR) in
                             almost 70 years. In 2019, the UN recorded 357 killings and 30 forced disappearances
                             of human rights defenders, journalists, and union activists in 47 countries. Violence

                             against children affects more than 1 billion worldwide and costs society up to $ 7
                             trillion annually and every year 50% of the world's children experience violence.

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