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Table 1: Sustainable development milestones since the second half of the 20  century

                   Year     Document               Description

                                                   This publication points to the fact that there is a significant
                   ͳͻ͹ʹ     The Limits to Growth   contradiction between economic growth and the protection
                                                   of the environment including natural resources.

                                                   This report by the European Commission focuses on the
                                                   integration of economic development, the management and
                   ͳͻͺ͹     Our common future      protection  of  natural  resources  and  social  justice  and
                                                   integration. Sustainable development was first defined in
                                                   this report.
                            Declaration        on A  declaration  that  elaborates  upon  the  principles  of
                            Environment            sustainable development in greater detail.
                                                   This declaration was approved at the Millennium Summit,
                   ʹͲͲͲ                            where the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) were
                            World  Summit on
                   ʹͲͲʹ     Sustainable            This summit supported the importance of all three pillars of
                            Development            sustainability – economic, social and environmental.
                                                   The goal to create and subsequently integrate the global
                   ʹͲͳʹ     The future we want     Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) was approved in
                                                   this declaration.
                            Transforming      our

                            world:    the   2030
                                                   This  document,  which  was  accepted  at  the  2015  UN
                   ʹͲͳͷ     Agenda            for  Summit, lists 17 goals of sustainable development. This is
                            Sustainable            a global development program until 2030.


                  Source: Meadows (1972); World Commission on Environment and Development (1987); United Nations
                  (1992); World Health Organization (2002); United Nations (2012, 2015),

                  Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

                  All member states of the United Nations (UN) took part in creating the Sustainable Development
                  Goals. SDGs are an urgent call to action from all developed or developing countries in the global
                  partnership (United Nations, 2019). These Sustainable Development Goals, which have been
                  adopted by the UN’s member states, are represented by 17 icons depicted in the image below
                  and present the development program for the following 15 years (2015 – 2030).

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   15   16   17   18   19   20   21   22   23   24   25